Even after 70 years of independence, India faces many challenges on the social, political and economic front. Is India ready for these challenges of the 21st century? Does our country need a new thought, new energy and new solutions by focussing on these challenges? And how to work on them? ‘Desh Ki Baat’ is born out of this search for finding answers to all these pressing concerns.
‘Desh Ki Baat’ is a positive effort aimed at finding a solution to the burning issues of our country. Its objective is to mobilise the ideological capacity and energy of the country and implement them for the overall development of our nation. The aim of this forum is to channelise the energy of the country’s intelligentsia towards the progress of all the citizens in this country, by developing a fresh perspective for the present, guiding the youth towards a new kind of thinking, new direction, discovery, ideological rejuvenation and direct their prowess to develop a strong, progressive India.
Today we all need to think about all those questions which remain unanswered even after so many years of independence, for which our ancestors sacrificed their lives. We used to eat bread even when we were slaves. We used to get sleep even when we were slaves. Marriage-marriage-relations used to happen even when we were slaves. But our forefathers did not approve of this slavery. Lakhs of people sacrificed their lives for the freedom of our country. He sacrificed his everything. People spent their whole life, gave up everything. This country has got freedom on the basis of this sacrifice, penance and sacrifice.